Hemenway & Barnes’ philanthropic advisory team provides a range of services designed to meet the full spectrum of a client’s charitable giving goals and objectives, including:
- donor consultation and advice: initial, occasional, and ongoing,
- research and evaluation, both of broad fields of donor interest and of individual organizations,
- strategic planning,
- program development,
- supporting donors and trustees in learning about their roles and responsibilities within their giving vehicles, and
- administrative support and back-office operations.
Our philanthropic advisors help our clients anticipate, identify, and navigate these issues. They can also help benchmark against local, regional, or national trends in foundation or charitable vehicle management, operations, and expenses.
Hemenway & Barnes is proud to offer a range of services to donors of all types, whether you are an individual looking for some coaching and support; a family that gives through multiple giving vehicles; a donor giving through a donor-advised fund, charitable trust, or small or large foundation. Our advisors have expertise in a number of substantive issue areas of philanthropy, in foundation operations, as well in the broader issues and trends that impact philanthropy, including government affairs, nonprofit management, and state and federal policy.
Clients face a host of threshold questions and issues at the outset of their philanthropic journey, including:
- What charitable goals and objectives do I hope to accomplish through my philanthropy?
- How much of my own time and energy do I want to invest in my giving? How and to what extent do I want my family to share in the work of our family’s giving?
- What are the legacy considerations for the focus of our family’s giving after I am gone?
- How can I shape a giving program that is responsive to the needs of others, to my interests, and what is happening in the world?
- How can I infuse equity considerations into my giving?
- How do I learn about nonprofit organizations working on issues I care about?
- How do I know if they are achieving what they set out to do?
- What is involved in managing the affairs of a foundation or other vehicle through which I execute my giving?