Director of Human Resources
Aaron E. Morrison
Aaron Morrison is the Director of Human Resources at Hemenway & Barnes. In this role, Aaron manages the firm’s HR strategies, fosters a positive workplace environment, and ensures compliance with employment laws and regulations.

Aaron Morrison is the Director of Human Resources at Hemenway & Barnes. In this role, Aaron manages the firm’s HR strategies, fosters a positive workplace environment, and ensures compliance with employment laws and regulations. He has a wealth of expertise in talent acquisition and development, benefits administration, and building organizational capabilities. Under his leadership, the HR team strives to create a collaborative and inclusive culture.

Prior to joining Hemenway & Barnes, Aaron served in senior HR roles in various industries. Aaron received his JD from Northeastern University with a concentration in Employment and Labor Law and professional certificates in Human Resources Management, Data Analytics and Immigration Law from Wharton School of Business.

News & Events

Colby College Museum of Art 2024 Summer Luncheon
Firm News
Arthur Page Presented with the Franciscan Children’s Game Changer Award
Michael Puzo presided at Hingham's Third Grade Mock Town Meeting