Volunteering at Playworks

August 18, 2021
Playworks Volunteer Day

Making an Impact

Hemenway & Barnes employees volunteered their time by painting a playground for Playworks.

Playworks is a nonprofit organization that supports learning and physical health by providing safe and inclusive play to low-income students in urban schools. They help schools and districts make the most of recess through on-site staffing, consultative support, professional development, free resources, and more. They also support youth programs and other organizations that wish to improve playtime.
For more information about Playworks, visit the link below.

Community Involvement

Colby College Museum of Art 2024 Summer Luncheon
Hemenway & Barnes is pleased to sponsor the Colby College Museum of Art 2024 Summer Luncheon on July 13.
Firm News
Arthur Page Presented with the Franciscan Children’s Game Changer Award
Arthur B. Page was presented with the “Franciscan Children’s Game Changer Award” during the Boston Pickleball Challenge on June 13, 2024.
Michael Puzo presided at Hingham's Third Grade Mock Town Meeting
On June 3 and 4, H&B partner, and Hingham Town Moderator, Michael Puzo presided at the town’s second Third Grade Mock Town Meeting.