Round the Bend: The Seeds We Sow 2024

April 06, 2024
April 06, 2024

Hemenway & Barnes is pleased to be supporting Round the Bend's first farmraiser: The Seeds We Sow on April 6, 2024. This event aims to support Round the Bend's three main programs which include education (field trips & experiential learning), farming, and Manifest Love, their partnered food donation and educational program.

Round the Bend Farm is a working farm and educational non-profit located in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Their mission is to educate, cultivate and empower people of all ages to exemplify a lifestyle that respects and consciously works with the environment.

Hemenway & Barnes partner, Nancy Dempze, serves on the Board at Round the Bend Farm.

Round the Bend Farm: How this nonprofit is making an impact with agriculture

When Desa Van Laarhoven and Geoff Kinder founded Round the Bend Farm: A Center for Restorative Community (RTB) in Dartmouth, they were moving on a mission that went beyond running the farm. The goal? To create a truly sustainable property that is self-contained, serves the regional population, and educates the population on the future of farming through a unique "agripreneur" program.

Community Involvement

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